International city projects / Peter Greenaway in Ljubljana / site specific / Exibition catalogue

Zemljevid v paradiž iz Ljubljane, Delo, 5. Marec, 2002 Blaž Lukan
The ten maps to paradise are tied to a specific architectural space. The undercroft in Ljubljana Castle provided a palimpset space that Greenaway enhanced with a series of historical and esthetic traces encompassed in three semantic blocks: the sign of death, sign of farewell and sign of a welcoming gift. The development and process of the creation of the first in a series of maps is presented in the book Peter Greenaway - A Map to Paradise form Ljubljana. Muzeum's publication, which can be thought of as a catalogue, a collection of documents and a work of art, is an effective conclusion of a successfully realised project.

Britain in Slovenia, Spring 2000
The Peter Greenaway festival was one of the most exciting and succesful cultural events... The book
"Map to Paradise" concludes Greenaway's first map to paradise, an installation at Ljubljana castle accompanied by a film festival, workshop and sound and light spectacles.

Ona, marec 2002, Hermina Kovačič
"I wish to create an atlas of ten maps to paradise." ….The book "A Map to Paradise from Ljubljana" is a diary of Peter Greenaway's stay in the city: from the conception of the project to preparations and realisation. It includes a description of his interactions with the Slovene public and a presentation of his other works.

Peter Greenaway's Book

Britain in Slovenia, Spring 2000,
A new publication on Greenaway way written by six leading art critics... it is a valuable contribution to world litearture on the Greenaway phenomenon.
