


Novi list, October 2006, Kim Cuculič
On performance Gramatika in co-production of Trafik (Rijeka) and Muzeum (Ljubljana)

Two performing bodies that breathe as one.

Female protagonists, Mila Čuljak and Sabina Schwenner, are being constantly physically coupled throughout the whole performance. Two performing bodies thus function as one. For both of them the mentioned fact has been a great challenge, and they have, focusing on each move, performed it with greatest consistency from the very beginning to end.

(...)Besides identity as the main theme of the performance, Gramatika is special because of its original approach in presenting duality present in theatre at all times. Through the performing arts we clearly see the performer and his/her role. According to this, Gramatika follows the reflections from the Dictionary of theTheatre by Patrice Pavis:
>Between sameness and unrealizable difference, the performer is, like theatre, in constant search for his/her counterpart.

26 October 2006, Jelena Mihelčič

What happens when two different bodies are joint into one? How do we regard to such a body? These are only a few of many questions being provoked and answered by body, dance and physical performance in the performance Gramatika produced by Trafik, transit-fictitious theatre and its authoress Magdalena Lupi. And again, the performance is iniciated by well known personalities from Rijeka, Irma and Emma Gramatica, actresses from the beginning of the 20th century. The main intention is not to take interest in their lives then, but to show their relation as twins, although actually that was not the fact, to show the relation of two diverse personalities in one body. Thanks to their unique sensibility they manage to move as one. The same is evident through their mimicry; their features are similar, but still they slightly differ, as well as it is true for their costumes (Iztok Hrga) and scenography (Lara Badurina).
