PROJECT 3 / architecture & word / Complete my sentence

Jedrt Jež, Radio Student
Complete the sentence I started... was developed as a part of the conceptual theatre project - Project 3, which shifts between architecture and word. It is a part of the trilogy of creative doubles of architects and dramaturges, in which the actor expresses the excess of classical dualism into a higher level of emotion. (Architecture) creates a space of divided time, a time of intimate dynamics (dramaturgy). The projection of space- and body images is in time deeply engaging creating new surfaces, where the body enters as a word.

Complete the sentence I started... is the first theatrical work of the architect Rok Oman and the philosopher, stage director and theatre theorist Bojana Kunst. The play co-sets the existence and space following the principle of associations, of threading of coincidences, layers, impressions, memories and traces. It opens the unpredictability of the co-existence, it reminds us of the overcrowded city, where human live next to one another. In this overcrowded and unstable space the existence develops as a line of traces, of memories without hierarchy, of images without sequence; and their flow actuates emotions, a dialog and a touch. "The curtain opens the surface of the most hidden thoughts and images, imagination and imaginary forms, profound pain and oppressed memory, the hidden flow of primal thoughts and emotions, where there is no order and no anarchy..." (a passage from the theatre program)

(...) Refined. Kind, a little cold, elegant. But meanwhile not only Bachman's trickling thought approached furtively between the curtains, but deeply engaged, less concrete thought as well, floating above us, and it multiplied through just a moment ago still TV sale curtains. The video schizophrenia as an image of the present world - images.

But it is not only trendy, meaning that everything today is multimedia. And vice versa. No. "What is being actuated then, when in different corners of the world, in a dewy morning and a cold wind, somebody in the garden spreads a white cover with a fresh sent, and I easily pinch his cheek", is that what Bojana Kunst most likely wonders about in the theatre program, with a grin on her face. What else, it is a sort of Wolf multilayered form, which catches everything that is passing by. Yet it is not disturbed it in its multilevel world. The waves.

from magazine Stop, plus/minus column
"Project 3 is a trilogy, created with a purpose to create a space of divided time, a time of intimate dynamics, the excess of classical dualism into a higher level of emotion." To put it in another words - what happens, when architects and dramaturges explore the space. This project deserves a place in the plus column because of its first part, designed by Rok Oman, Bojana Kunst and Petra Govc.
