Project Spinoza / Spinoza's Lens

Spinoza's Lens is a polygon for the theme of Spinoza structured around a dramatized image of philosophy and art allegories. A multilayered narrator is a woman.

Space as a "sublime" object swings between invisibility and integration, with a (space)garden, a fusion of mental and physical image, attached to it.

A paradigm of garden designs of the 17th century opens wide passages into a mental universe and establishes spherical aberrations of meanings and relations.

The two coexistent spaces structure the story around an imaginarium of descriptions and fictional situations interwoven with biographical facts that embody Spinoza's philosophy: substance, the repudiation of affections or the concept of virtue.

In the performance Spinoza's Lens the central space is given to the body that dances and philosophises: »Body and mind are like lens, which is and remains one and the same thing, though it is revealed to us from two sides, as a convex and a concave lens.«