Platforms 2010-2019

Shift theatre I, 2010-2013

Shift theatre II, 2010-2015
Source Image, 2012-2014

Shift theatre III, 2014-2015
Ivo Svetina: ABC oder Krieg, quasi una fantasia

Project Spinoza, 2016-2017
Spinoza's Lens, 2016
Goce Smilevski: Spinoza, 2017

The Dynamics of Space Trilogy, 2016-2018
Pendulum, 2016
Three Versions of Space, 2019

VENUS I-II, 2018-2019
Ivo Svetina: The Birth of Venus, 2018

Sleep, 2019-2021
Forms, Landscapes, Creatures, 2019
The Slumberland, 2021