Gabriela Vanga
Elzbieta Jablonska
Malgorzata Markiewicz
Michal Murin
Kiril Prashkov
Fabio Andrea Sajiz

Emanuela Marassi
Lorenzo Missoni
Ebba Matz
Mans Wrange
Katrin Essenson
Gül Ilgaz
Aleksandar Kujučev
Rudolf Sikora
Balint Szombathy
Igor Eškinja
Slaven Tolj
Vana Urošević
Alevtina Kakhidze
Igor Scerbina
Florin Tudor & Mona Vatamanu
Lela B.Njatin

Mans Wrange


The Good Rumor Project, video, installation, 2005

Curator: Andrzej Ekwiński
/The Vardö-Seminar Foundation, International Institute of Art and Culture, Stockholm, Sweden

The Good Rumor Project
"(...)According to several scientific studies, rumors often help to develop a positive self-image of one's own social group, by ascribing negative characteristics to people outside this group. As a result, rumors often reinforce the sense of difference between national, ethnic and socio-economic groups. (...)
Construction of the "good rumors"
Two rumors have been constructed: One which is about people in Tijuana that is spread in San Diego, and one which is about people in San Diego that is spread in Tijuana. In contrast to "normal" rumors, which originate from others than the rumors are about, the two "good rumors" have been created in dialogue with the actual subjects of the rumors. That is, the rumor about Tijuana was created by people from Tijuana and the rumor about San Diego was created by people in San Diego.
The Good Rumor Project is produced by and was first presented at InSITE05 (curated by Osvaldo Sánchez) in Tijuana and San Diego.
Excerpts from the artist's project statement